How to install Let's Encrypt SSL on cPanel hostname?
In this article, I will guide you about using the Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate for cPanel hostname. As you know, cPanel provides a free SSL certificate for cPanel hostname as default. But some times it not works or limit issue, so you can use the following steps to have a valid SSL certificate for your cPanel services.
Install the Certbot from EPEL
Run following command as root user to install certbot from epel repo
Create deploy-hook script for Certbot
Create file and copy below contents to it and save.
vi /usr/local/bin/
Now make it executable
Issue a certificate for cPanel hostname
With the following command you will be able to issue a Let’s Encrypt valid certificate for cPanel HOSTNAME
Certificate renew cron job
For the certificate, auto-renew add the following lines in your cron job file.